
Thursday, 9 December 2021

Yr 6 Camp

 Hello, I'm Bea and I'm telling you guys about my yr 6 camp day!


This is when we were Swimming and when we first came there was trouble because someone accidentally came to the wrong side of the pool, but it was fun and if yr 5 & 4 are reading this you may wanna check the cm because there is a 1.4cm and 1.0cm, because in the 1.4cm that's when the someone almost drowned. Campfire Its was cold at first but when the fire started, I got warmer and then Scott ( Helper / Olivia H. Dad ) gave out two marshmallows and Olivia after Scott, and we made smores because Scott gave Miss Waho ( Teacher ) two biscuits, and Miss Waho thought us how to make smores and I only made one smores because I kinda didn't like the taste of it. When I got out of my sit I got colder. Gaga dodge ball ( Miss Waho calls its Lady Gaga ) as you can see I was playing my favourite game from camp, I was just walking down the road until I heard noises and I thought why don't I check it out? and I saw Gaga dodge ball and I thought I could play it, and I was a newbie at first. I started playing it almost every day, but when it was Friday and it was our last day in yr 6 camp I was just walking around and then I saw GAGA DODGE BALL and of course I did play it, but then we had fun at the end of the game. That's all From my Yr 6 Camp I hope you enjoy it!